9 February 2011

the trial

And here we are: another Wednesday comes around.  Since 9am I have been eschewing my painting duties in order to work out how in hell I'm going to put up these 1,966 post-it notes at the Work/Work exhibition.  I have another spirit-level (one that is straight and level, rather than the hooky one I bought for a pittance off Amazon), and  I now have it marked out and ready to go.

I made a trial run of 14 x 14 sticky orange notes.  I envisage the real thing to be 20 x 26, in 4 blocks.

I should probably do a practice run each Wednesday from now on, so I'm prepared for the mammoth task when the day comes.

2.15 - 3.00pm: The "top secret commemorative date plaque" was finished and has just been shut away out of sight.  I will check on it next week and if all is well it will be signed off and presented to the outside world.

I have an hour to kill before I need to pack up and start packing for the final Work/Work meeting in London. I could sit here faffing on the computer, but that would be defeatist.  Bring on the next canvas...

Taking on a task that requires a steady hand, should not be ventured upon when the hands are far from steady.  I think part of the problem was that the painting was still wet, so I had nothing to even rest against for support.  No matter, I feel satisfied with another hour of painting under my belt.

Done for the day, and off to London.

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