6 October 2010


I just spent an hour tidying the mess I left behind last week.  Chucked out a load of old palettes, rags, and detritus that's been building up on the studio floor. It is more organised, even if it doesn't look it.

And now, a bit of chalky whiteness on the latest secret painting.  Fixative spray, then leave the loft and the fumes...

I was looking for some plaster-of-paris, but instead I came across a big tin full of old tubes of oil paint. Bonus!  It's okay, I found the plaster-of-paris shortly after.  Mixed it up and slathered it onto the canvas I began last week.  I already have ideas for the neon that will emanate from the crevice, but for now I must wait for the plaster to dry.

After an extended lunch (curse you internet!), I pay the top secret painting some more attention.  White oil paint to build up the glow, I patch up the areas that need a little extra, then go over the parts that have become a bit dirty from all that chalking earlier on.

And finally, some more werk at the old "rock face" (or "The Path of Least Resistance 3 (pink)" as it should probably be known).  And then I finish early, I have a gig to go to...

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